My Favorite Book of ALL Time!!

Have you ever read a book and said “I really want to read that again!”?  Better yet, have you ever loved a book so much that you actually have read it more than once?  I have a few that I have wanted to do that with and only have three or four that I’ve read more than once.  That is what I hope this blog will inspire us to find is GREAT books to read and share!

There is only one book, so far, that I have read more than once in it’s entirety, actually five times, and am looking forward to finish reading it again!  It has been on the number one seller’s list for years and continues to be the most bought and read book around the world.  Have you guessed yet?  Yup, I’m talking about the Bible.  My latest read through was “The Bible in 90 Days”.  Talk about a challenge and yet it was a way that I suggest everyone read the Bible through at least once in their life time.  You are encouraged to read it like you would read any novel and not stop and ponder a verse or passage for very long.  It is God’s story!!  I had to keep reminding myself to read it like I was reading a story and not stop and cross reference or debate things.  What an AWESOME way to read it through.  It shed new light on passages that I had never seen before!  Some people think it’s outdated and not relevant, others take a year to read it, and most never read it at all.  I would encourage you to read it like a novel at least once in your life.  You can get a schedule of reading at the following link and read it in any translation that makes sense to you.


I also have a favorite song, of course, that helps to describe the Bible in a way everyone can understand.  It is called the “End of The Beginning” by David Phelps and here’s the link:


I know you are all passionate about a book or two.  I would love to know what they are.

About Linda Uhls

I am a 59 year old woman who loves the Lord God with all my heart! At this time in my life it does not look anything like my teenage life thought it would, not even close! If not for Jesus I would not have made it this far. This blog site is where I want to share my heart. Maybe it will encourage jyst one person to put their trust in God and that will be worth everything I've gone through!
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